The impact of clinical trials on daily clinical practice – A guide on trial design
Presented by Prof. Dr. Markus Blatz, Dr. Susanne Effenberger
Date: Thursday 2nd September, 2021
The demand for clinical research is constantly growing, not only driven by science itself but by increasing regulatory requirements. Evaluation of the clinical performance of medical devices is essentially based on clinical data which are and become more and more the benchmark for quality in this field.ย A variety of information on how to design clinical trials, a range of methodologies, guidance documents and frameworks are available to assist researchers.
This webinar, given by Prof. Markus Blatz,ย Professor of Restorative Dentistry, Chairman of the Department of Preventive and Restorative Sciences, and Assistant Dean for Digital Innovation and Professional Development at the University of Pennsylvania/USAย and Dr. Susanne Effenberger, Head of Clinical Research Department at DMG, will give an overview over the most important information for successful conduct of a clinical trial, sharing with the audience difficulties and solution approaches. This program will help to decide and choose between different designs, explain how they can be best applied to the research hypothesis, and evaluate the quality of the generated clinical data.ย